Photo de Monsieur Ian Young

Ian Young

Décédé le 30 mai 2023 à l'âge de 75 ans
Logo de Pompes Funèbres Manzo B&L
04 94 99 13 30

Photo de Monsieur Ian Young
Ian Young
Décédé le 30 mai 2023 à l'âge de 75 ans

Cérémonie civile

Crématorium de Vidauban
139 Boulevard des Pins Parasols
83550 Vidauban
mercredi 07 juin 2023 à 15h00

Message de la famille

Chère famille, chers amis,

C'est avec une grande tristesse que nous vous annonçons le décès de Ian survenu mardi 30 mai 2023 à Draguignan. La cérémonie se déroulera le mercredi 07 juin 2023 à 15h00 à l'adresse suivante : Crématorium Vidauban - 139 Boulevard des Pins Parasols - 83550 Vidauban.

Dear family, dear friends,

It is with great sorrow that we announce to thee the death of Ian on Tuesday 30th May 2023 in Draguignan. The funeral ceremony will be held on Wednesday 7th June 2023 at 15:00 at the following address:
Vidauban crematorium - 139 Boulevard des Pins
Parasols - 83550 Vidauban.

Un service de plantation d’arbre hommage est disponible ici.


Déroulé des obsèques

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    Cérémonie civile

    Crématorium Vidauban
    139 Boulevard des Pins Parasols
    83550 Vidauban
    Le mercredi 07 juin 2023 à 15h00
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    Crématorium de Vidauban
    139 Boulevard des Pins Parasols
    83550 Vidauban
    Le mercredi 07 juin 2023 à 15h30

Rendez hommage à M. YOUNG

Plantez un arbre du souvenir

Arbre du sourvenir
volunteer_activismUn hommage durable et symbolique
Locale, drapeau de la France Planté en France dans le respect de l’écosystème local
history_eduCertificat de plantation

Faites livrer des fleurs à la famille de M. YOUNG

Bouquet de deuil Empathie
storefrontPartenariat avec un artisan fleuriste local
volunteer_activism0,50€ reversés à Alzheimer France par bouquet
local_shipping Livraison à l’adresse de votre choix


Conservez un souvenir des hommages rédigés dans un beau livre

Exemple de livre hommage
Le livre hommage met à l'honneur les différents messages et photos partagés sur cet espace avec une mise en page élégante.

7 hommages ont été rendus

  • Il y a 1 an
    Vincenzo Rossi Ercolani

    Je découvre avec tristesse que Ian nous a quitté. Il était un grand monsieur, plein d'esprit, de finesse, d'intelligence, d'expérience et de sensibilité. J'ai l'ai connu grâce aux échecs et sa finale de partie a été très dure, les pièces désormais sont dans leur boîte et j'espère qu'il pourra jouer des nouvelles parties...

  • Il y a 1 an

    Nous avons connu Ian il y a bien longtemps mais les souvenirs restent et nous sommes très touchées par cette triste nouvelle. C'est avec beaucoup d'émotion que nous pensons à toute sa famille, ses proches, ses amis et tout ceux qui l'ont aimé. De tout coeur à vos côtés dans cette épreuve douloureuse Brigitte, Nicole et Christine (les soeurs de Monique)

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    Frances Wood

    Ian my Scottish first cousin. My mother Joyce Young was his Father's sister. I remember with great pleasure holidays in Scotland and Ian's visits to Birmingham and later on his visits to me with my husband Bill in Murcia and our visits to him in France. Condolences to Carlos and his mother from the Craven family - Fay, Ann, Fran, Peter, Charles and my husband Bill who appreciated Ian very much. Rest in peace Ian, We love you.

    Souvenir de Monsieur Ian Young par Frances Wood
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    Gregory Cox

    I have known Ian since 1958. He was my best friend, I am so grateful for that friendship over the many years. He was an excellent chess-player, a fine cricketer. At school he was an 'all-rounder' - outstanding academically and on the sportsfield. He deservedly became headboy at Beaminster and Netherbury Grammar school in 1964. My thoughts and prayers are much with the family. Bon voyage, mon ami!

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    Chris and Alan Akerman

    Our dear cousin Ian. A lifetime of memories to treasure from early days to school days and beyond. School holidays spent with his Auntie Joan and Uncle David in Southampton where he would love to play chess and watch cricket with his uncle and Brian. We followed his career and travels to all parts of the world with great interest. In 2019 we(Chris and Al) spent time with Ian in Draguignan and although quite unwell he delighted in showing us all the local scenery. We will remember him with much love always. Chris, Al, Brian and Angela

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    Marilyn Baxter

    Ian was a very clever and gifted young man at Beaminster School who excelled all round in sports and academic subjects... Maths, science, English, languages, history. He lived chess, acting in school productions and was a young farmer. He was a cricket and football fan and was a loyal supporter of his favourite teams. We shared a mutual friend, Francis Kelsall and a love of football. I was unable to meet up with Francis in recent years but we did keep in touch. I was delighted to renew acquaintance with Ian and friends at the last school reunion and we visited him en route in Draguignan at his lovely home. Last year we spent an afternoon with him on our way to Nice and hoped to meet up in Cannes while we were there but his health and appointments prevented that from happening. He will be missed but always remembered by those he befriended.

    Souvenir de Monsieur Ian Young par Marilyn Baxter
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    Keith Scott

    Ian was an exceptionally gifted person. At school he excelled not only in all academic subjects but also on the sports and athletics fields. This success of course continued throughout his life. For many years we have had long and stimulating telephone conversations every two or three weeks covering a wide range of topics. I feel privileged to have been his friend and sad that we will no longer converse. My most sincere condolences go to Ian's family and friends.


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